- Identifying and Meeting Patient and Family Needs Across the Lifespan Anders Olauson
- Discussion on small CT: brief overview of perspective and way forward Annalisa Trama
- European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network Arrigo Schieppati on behalf of ECRIN
- Recruiting Patients for Clinical Research Studies and the Value of International Collaboration Domenica Taruscio
- Human Biospecimen Database Elisa Eiseman
- Methodological Issues on Clinical Trials with Small Sample Size Joachim Gerss, Wolfgang Köpcke
- Collaboration Education and Test Translation Program Giovanna Spinella
- Ensuring the Quality of Genetic Testing Lisa Kalman
- Genetic Testing in the US: The GeneTests Perspective Roberta A. Pagon
- Codification and Classification of Rare Diseases Ségolène Aymé
- Orphanet Database of clinical labs Ségolène Aymé
- Balancing the importance of getting some information vs. the importance of getting good quality information Simon Day
- Technology transfer in the European Research Area K. Torbjörn Ingemansson
- Grupo de Enlace, Investigación y Soporte Enfermedades Raras Virginia Llera
- The Eurobiobank Network Yann Le Cam